Bringing Nature into the Home

Bringing the outdoor into the home

You’ve heard it before, spending time in nature or bringing elements of it into the home contributes to our overall health, well-being, and happiness.  And so, in this blog, we’re sharing five tips on how to easily bring the outdoor into your home so that you can reap the benefits.   

1. Indoor Plants

Aside from looking good in the home, indoor plants provide cleaner air by absorbing the toxins and pollutants from the air. They can also increase humidity levels and reduce airborne dust levels.

bringing nature into the home

2. Room With a View

Even with the smallest of spaces available, from a windowsill to an apartment balcony, filling it with colourful plants or adding a bird feeder will create a view unique to your home while also bringing nature closer to your living space.

Balcony Garden

3. Use Natural Fabrics

If thinking of a refresh of your home, bring in as many natural fabrics as you can such as cotton curtains, wool throws, rattan lampshades and jute rugs. If carpets are covering wooden floors, consider taking them up, then sanding and staining the wood floors.

Home decor natural fabrics

4. Nature Inspired Wall Art

Not everyone has the luxury of beautiful views from their window, so using wall art provides a visual connection with nature.  Use large prints and hang them in places that are prominent. That way, even if you are living over a busy street, you can get lost in a landscape, seascape or anything that makes you feel more connected with nature

nature inspired wall art

Related: 5 Steps to Creating a Gallery Wall

5. Go For a Natural Colour Palette

Colour affects our mood with green associated with calm, rest, and renewal so it’s an excellent choice when trying to bring the outside into your home.  Sage green is particularly in vogue right now but choose the shade that works for you from the cool greens to the warmer yellow greens. If feeling a little tentative about a colour change, start with smaller items like cushions, throws, or lamp shades.

Nature Inspired Colour Palette

One thought on “Bringing Nature into the Home

  1. David says:

    Thank you for sharing this insightful and well-written blog post. The clarity of your writing made it easy for me to understand the concepts, and I appreciated the actionable advice you provided.

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